The Thor missile exploded on its launchpad, scattering highly contaminated debris all over the island. Sign Out Sign In Subscribe Newsletter Contact Us What must be one of the most ridiculous cases of a vanishing nuke happened on 10 Dec. 1965 on board the USS Ticonderoga, an aircraft carrier that was on its way to Yokosuka, Japan from Vietnam. Milk distribution was banned in a 200-square-mile (520km2) area around the reactor for several weeks. Or was our submarine hacked, used to launch a missile?Note:"Launch" from Whidbey Island was Sunday 6/10 3:56am#Qanon Lithium, beryllium and enriched uranium are all building blocks of nuclear weapons that can cause a whole laundry list of health problems in humans and wildlife, as well as irreversible environmental damage. If the missile went up, it must have come down, or at least parts of it must have come down. NBK is the third largest U.S. Navy installation in the United States, and arguably the most complex. A senior Russian diplomat says Moscow may continue to exchange information with the United States on issues related to their nuclear forces even after the suspension of the last remaining arms control pact between the two countries Feb. 26, 2023, 5:38 PM ET (AP) Putin: will 'take into account' NATO's nuclear capability A USAF B-47 bomber jettisoned a Mark 15 Mod 0 nuclear bomb over the Atlantic Ocean after a midair collision with a USAF F-86 Sabre during a simulated combat mission from Homestead Air Force Base, Florida. On July 28, 1957, a C-124 transport plane experienced technical problems when two of its engines lost power after it departed Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. Its conceivable that the object could be a plane taking off from Whidbey Island and immediately firing its afterburners, but such a maneuver would be extremely loud, and again, nobody reported hearing any kind of disturbing noise at the time. From there the United States and the Soviet Union carried out a further series of open-air tests of atomic weapons. The resulting damage crippled the sub and sent it hurtling down 1,700 meters (5,500 feet) into the cold blackness to the bottom of the ocean along with the two nuclear warhead equipped torpedoes it was carrying. Sources given conflicting numbers on the number of warheads carried by the R-27U, either two or three. It is assumed that the plane went down somewhere over the Mediterranean, possibly due to running out of fuel, but no one has any idea where, and the planes disappearance, as well as the location of the missing nuclear cores, remain a complete mystery to this day. "University of Las Vegas. Certain events were not suppose [sic] to take place, it sent Q Anon followers into overdrive with theories and clues. For a bomb that size, people up to 21 km (13 miles) away would experience flash blindness on a clear day, and people up to 85 km (52.8 miles) away would be temporarily blinded on a . The windstorm hit Whidbey late Friday and into Saturday morning. The bomb fell on the bomb-bay doors, smashing them open and going into a 15,000 feet (4,572m) free fall. It exposed thousands in . 67 nuclear tests were conducted by the US in the Marshall Islands over a dozen years in the 1940s and 50s. This small explosion breached its glovebox, allowing air to enter and ignite some loose uranium powder. It is thought that any attempt to remove the bomb could be a highly perilous proposition. NBK is home to a diverse range of high-value strategic missions, including all types of. From the research they were able to put together, Q believers figured out that was a missile fired by someone in the deep state to shoot down Air Force One. So when Q dropped a picture of the missile with the caption This is not a game. Perhaps more of an impending threat is the risk of leaked radioactive or other dangeroussubstances from these missing weapons. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. 16-29 October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis occurs A tense stand-off begins when the United States discovers Soviet missiles in Cuba. @NWSSeattle @WunderCave @WeatherNation He's written articles for MU and Daily Grail and has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM and Binnal of America. Their hypothesis: not only was this a missile, but it was fired by anti-Trump forces in an effort to shoot down Air Force One, then on its way to Singapore for the summit with Kim Jong Un. Because of the incredible depths involved, the nuclear warheads were never recovered and remain lying upon the bottom of the sea. The War Zone studied data from flight tracking app FlightRadar24 and found just two objects flying near Skunk Bay at that timean Alaska Airlines flight descending from the northwest that would have been out of frame of the camera, and an air ambulance flying north that was exactly in the path of the camera at the exact time the picture was snapped. Island County, Washington - According to a spokesperson for the naval base, Ault Field at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island is currently under lockdown due to unconfirmed reports of an active shooter. Nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom. The reef-lined Marshall Islands were once host to grisly nuclear tests. The motion picture Men of Honor (2000), starring Cuba Gooding, Jr., as USN Diver, Master Chief Petty Officer Carl Brashear, and Robert De Niro as USN Diver, Chief Petty Officer Billy Sunday, contained an account of the fourth bomb's recovery.[52]. [51], A USAF B-52 carrying four hydrogen bombs collided with a USAF KC-135 jet tanker during over-ocean in-flight refueling. If you do happen to live near one of these places or downwind of them you need to take appropriate measures to protect your family. Its not a sexy or dramatic explanation, but its the one that squares the best with the available facts, and discards. Three of the four arming devices on one of the bombs activated, causing it to carry out many of the steps needed to arm itself, such as the charging of the firing capacitors and, critically, the deployment of a 100-foot (30m) diameter retardation parachute. You simply are not going to be able to have a high-yield bomb on a ICBM. Our wallet, our car keys, our remote control, no matter how vigilant we are these things just seem to vanish from time to time. A valve was mistakenly opened aboard the submarine, While on duty in the Barents Sea, there was a release of liquid metal coolant from the reactor of the Soviet Project 705, About 35 miles (56km) from Vladivostok in Chazhma Bay, the, The U.S. government declassified 19,000 pages of documents indicating that between 1946 and 1986, the Hanford Site near. Saturday, December 10, 2022. Or there could just be an explosion that scattered uranium and plutonium all over hell. Shortly after, the military called off the search and deemed the weapon to be irretrievably lost. In the wake of the failed attempts to recover the lost nuclear weapon, the military went through great pains to enact a cover-up of the event and it has only come to light in the face of partially declassified documents gradually released on the incident. View of the radioactive plume from the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, as seen from 9.6 . Washington state has been home to nuclear weapons-related projects for decades some well-known, others shrouded in secrecy. In listing military nuclear accidents, the following criteria have been adopted: This list may be incomplete due to military secrecy. The volunteers were friendly and knowledgeable. Located only 25 miles northwest of Seattle across Puget Sound, Whidbey Island is a long linear island that stretches for nearly 50 miles. The U.S. military uses the term "Broken Arrow" to refer to an accident that involves nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons components, but does not create the risk of nuclear war.A Broken Arrow is different from a "Nucflash," which refers to a possible nuclear detonation or other serious incident that may lead to war. The main island, Tahiti, more than 1,000km away, is also . So sensitive was this incident that the military covered it up for decades. Fearing that severe weather and icing would jeopardize a safe emergency landing, the weapon was jettisoned over the Pacific Ocean from a height of 8,000ft (2,400m). He also writes about politics, history, and breaking news. Five crewmen parachuted to safety, but three others diedtwo in the aircraft and one on landing. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! Map of Whidbey Island. The area was evacuated. Missile launch? The Soviet Union explodes the most powerful bomb ever: a 58-megaton atmospheric nuclear weapon, nicknamed the "Tsar Bomba", over Novaya Zemlya off northern Russia. In addition to the obvious danger of having a fully operational nuclear weapon lying so close to a major city, there is also the matter of the plutonium and otherhazardous materials, such as uranium and beryllium, leaking into the environment. You need a fall out shelter that you can spend at least 1 week inside of that will protect you from high levels of gamma radiation. Criterion (vi): The ideas and beliefs . A 1987 report by the National Radiological Protection Board predicted the accident would cause as many as 100 long-term cancer deaths, although the Medical Research Council Committee concluded that "it is in the highest degree unlikely that any harm has been done to the health of anybody, whether a worker in the Windscale plant or a member of the general public." One can only hope that if someone does manage to find and retrieve it that it will be someone with good intentions and not one of the many enemies of the U.S. who would love to get their hands on some unguarded, unsecured intact nuclear weapon. Whidbey Island is a long, rugged island in Puget Sound, north of Seattle. It is estimated to lie around 55 feet (17m) below ground. There could be a major inferno if the high explosives went off and the lithium deuteride reacted as expected. The explosion immediately killed an. A resolution is now in front of the Congress asking the United States to . Some of the missing warheads were not lost over the sea, but under it. It is nice to be able to say that these two senior climbed the spiral staircase to the top and were rewarded with . How was it taken? Strikes against major cities will not generate massive amounts of fallout like military targets do because air-burst warheads would be used. Friday, April 6th 2018. We have our hostages, testing, research and all missle launches have stoped, and these pundits, who have called me wrong from the beginning, have nothing else they can say! The conventional explosives in two of the bombs detonated upon impact with the ground, dispersing plutonium over nearby farms. Part of the Starfish test series by the US military, a Thor missile was launched but had its flight aborted one minute after its takeoff. Mike Rothschild is a writer who specializes in researching and debunking conspiracy theories and fringe beliefs. No. For the missile to get anywhere near the plane would mean it would have to fly thousands of miles west, through the airspace of multiple countriesand hit an airplane flying west to east. Gusts of 68 mph were reported on the Smith Island weather station just off Whidbey Island. Naval Radio Station Cutler **MAJOR TARGET**, -Los Alamos National Lab **MAJOR TARGET**, -Brookhaven National Lab **MAJOR TARGET**, -Piketon Uranium Enrichment Facility or Portsmouth Facility, -Over the horizon radar, Christmas valley, -Raven Rock Mountain Complex and Fort Ritchie **MAJOR TARGETS**, -No significant targets though Massachusets and nearby New London,CT have targets, -No major targets, though nearby New Hampshire has one, -Bangor Submarine Base and Brementon Naval Base **MAJOR TARGET**, -Jim creek Naval Station **MAJOR TARGET**. These details are important because they help establish what the image actually is. 1 during an annealing process to release Wigner energy from graphite portions of the reactor. As the best ship on the East Coast, the officers, chiefs and crew aboard, together. My good night cam picked up what appears to be a large missile launch on Whidbey Island Sunday AM. Say what?! The U.S. was at first convinced that the Russians were involved in its disappearance, but the wreckage of the sub was later found strewn about the bottom at a depth of 3,300 meters (10,800 feet) by the research ship Mizar. Greenbank had gusts of 65 mph, Polnell Point had winds reaching 47 mph, while Whidbey Island Naval Air Station reported gusts up to 53 mph. The incident caused outrage and protests in Denmark, as Greenland is a Danish possession, and Denmark forbade nuclear weapons on its territory. Old Grain Wharf, in the harbour of Coupeville, in the Central Whidbey Island Historic District, part of the Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve. It is thought that the extremely dangerous core had lodged itself as far down as 50 meters (165 feet) into the marshy, waterlogged ground. To qualify as "accident", the damage should not be intentional, unlike in. The Navy has provided bottled or taken other measures such as filtration system for Coupeville. The large. 44-92075, was flying a simulated combat mission from Eielson Air Force Base, near Fairbanks, Alaska, to Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas, carrying one weapon containing a dummy warhead. However, excavation was abandoned due to uncontrollable ground water flooding. USS Whidbey Island officers and crew have set very high standards and the ship's reputation speaks for itself. Some researchers claim the object in sky is the cone of a missile, next to AF1?Attempted assassination? In the resulting fire, the bomb's high-explosive material exploded, killing nineteen people from the crew and rescue personnel. What threat do they pose? WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- The Whidbey Island Naval Air Station went on lockdown Friday afternoon after a bomb threat was made. [24][25][26] A 2007 study concluded that because the actual amount of radiation released in the fire could be double the previous estimates, and that the radioactive plume actually travelled further east, there were 100 to 240 cancer fatalities in the long term as a result of the fire.[27][28][29]. Weapons Policy: No weapons are allowed on Ault Field or Seaplane Base. The U.S. Navy employed the use of the deep-diving research submarine DSVAlvin to aid in the recovery efforts. Take the lost Tybee island bomb, which is still lying in silt somewhere in . (Navy) The dock landing ship Whidbey Island, first of its name and of its class, was . After the fire, plutonium was detected near a school 12 miles (19km) away and around Denver 17 miles (27km) away. This page was last edited on 1 February 2023, at 00:28. Each Whidbey Island -class vessel is powered by four diesel engines generating 33,000 shaft horsepower to two shafts with a speed of up to 20 plus knots (over 23.5 miles per hour). And there are no reports of any missile or missile debris coming down anywhere in the Puget Sound area. [33] The USAF claimed the B-47 tried landing at Hunter Air Force Base, Georgia three times before the bomb was jettisoned at 7,200ft (2,200m) near Tybee Island, Georgia. The plane, about halfway into the 50-minute flight, went down in Mutiny Bay off Whidbey Island, about 30 miles northwest of downtown Seattle and about. Google Maps. We will be fine! Some examples of radiation emergencies include: a nuclear detonation (explosion), an accident at a nuclear power plant, a transportation accident involving a shipment of radioactive materials, or an occupational exposure like in a healthcare or research setting. The lighthouse itself is lovingly restored and quite interesting. The nuclear weapon was completely destroyed in the detonation which occurred approximately 4.5 miles south of the Kirtland control tower and 0.3 miles west of the Sandia Base reservation, creating a blast crater approximately 25 feet in diameter and 12 feet deep. I'm not talking about car keys here, but of the rather unsettling habit that human beings have developed of losing track of things that we really should make sure we never lose. She has over 20 years of experience of management of non-profits programs in Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Victim Services. From the north end of the island, you can see the San Juan Islands and dozens of whale-watching boats crisscrossing the . 47.97611 -122.35611. Since air-burst warheads will be used the fireball will not contact the ground or any material such as buildings, and so no fallout will be generated. The Air Force purchased the land and fenced it off to prevent its disturbance, and it is tested regularly for contamination, although none has so far been found.[46]. Number of U.S. nuclear weapons used in wartime, against Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. On May 22, 1968, the American nuclear submarine the USS Scorpion was on its way back to Norfolk, Virginia from a three month training exercise in the Mediterranean Sea and was 320 nautical miles south of the Azores when it suddenly vanished along with its two nuclear warheads. Then, in 1962, the UK cooperated with the US on . USAF B-52 bomber departed Mather Air Force Base, California and experienced a decompression event that required it to fly below 10,000 feet. The one thing that is no doubt going through your mind right now is just what exactly is the level of threat posed by these vanished nuclear weapons? The biggest targets by far are Malmstrom, Minot, and Warren Air Force Bases which are home to our land-based nuclear deterrant - the Minuteman ICBM's. These three bases and the surrounding missile fields which are spread out up to 30 miles from the bases will sustain hundreds of ground burst nuclear blasts. It also bears witness to the consequences of the nuclear tests on the civil populations of Bikini and the Marshall Islands, in terms of population displacement and public-health issues. The damage to Staten Island would be catastrophic. It is requested that one [phrase redacted] weapon be made available for release to the DOD (Department of Defense) as a replacement. They were eventually traced back to training sources abandoned, forgotten, and unlabeled after the, Explosive destruction of a nuclear power source, There must be well-attested and substantial health risks. Perhaps the most notorious and indeed scariest incident on U.S. soil happened on Feb. 5, 1958, when a powerful, 7,000 pound Mark 15 hydrogen bomb, with over 100 times the destructive force of the Hiroshima bomb, disappeared over Wassaw Sound only 12 miles from Savannah, Ga., a city with a population of over 100,000 people. The burning bomber and its fuel load melted through the ice, dropping wreckage to the seafloor underneath. These three bases and the surrounding missile fields which are spread out up to 30 miles from the bases will sustain hundreds of ground burst nuclear blasts. by followers of the online persona known as Q Anon. If Godzilla is a metaphor for the atomic bomb then Tybee Island has its own city-smashing monster slumbering off the coast, waiting to perhaps one day wake up and wreak . The crew surely could not have believed what happened next. Josh Miller. - In September 1959 a Navy P-5M antisubmarine aircraft ditched in Puget. It was later melted down and combined with existing weapons-grade material. During the ensuing cleanup, 1,500 tonnes (1,700 short tons) of radioactive soil and tomato plants were shipped to a nuclear dump in Aiken, South Carolina. A bomb disposal expert stated it was a miracle exposed detonators on one bomb did not fire, which presumably would have released nuclear material into the environment. The fireball would shoot miles into the atmosphere - pulling dirt and debris with it. The weapon's high explosives detonated upon impact with a bright flash visible. One of the Strangest Mysteries in the History of NASA: Conspiracy or Complete Garbage? It couldnt have been fired from Whidbey Island itself, because that base is a small airfield with no offensive or defensive missile launchers. A 'lens flare'. After sharing with Cliff Mass he did a blog on it. Fallout and Nuclear Bomb Shelters Near Me (Locations and Options) Author: Diane Vukovi Last Updated: October 13, 2022 If a nuclear bomb were to hit, the blast would create a massive fireball which would vaporize everything nearby. Courtesy of The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) photo stream. The volunteers were friendly and knowledgeable. To take a step back, what exactly is the photo? It is as if the bomber just flew off the face of the earth. On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. An A-4E Skyhawk carrying an extremely powerful B-43 hydrogen bomb was carried up one of the carriers huge aircraft elevators to be loaded onto the deck and prepared for takeoff. Its a techniqueTrump supposedly uses often to convey information to Q Anon believers. On Whidbey Island, Navy-contracted testing has found 15 wells with levels above that guideline. The planes wing disintegrated, sending it plummeting towards the ground far below and killing three of its crew. However, Russian military doctrine calls for strikes on all major U.S. cities with their road-mobile ICBM's as a final retaliation if they feel they have lost a nuclear war with the U.S. Major Nuclear War Targets in America - Do You Live Near One. The best shelters are solid concrete basements of houses and other buildings. Keep in mind that there are also secondary and tertiary target in every state that are too numerous to list. Whidbey Island does have a naval base, and the Navy has a number of other bases in the area, including a base for nuclear submarines (along with. ) And where? A U.S. Navy P-5M aircraft carrying a nuclear depth charge without its fissile core crashed into Puget Sound near Whidbey Island, Washington. Part of the intense cold war nuclear arms race, the 15-megatonne Bravo test on 1 March 1954 was a thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. A B-50 jettisoned a Mark 4 bomb over the St. Lawrence River near Riviere-du-Loup, about 300 miles northeast of Montreal. Rather than the proud, patriotic, and heroic image of this majestic fighter jet preparing to bolt forth into the sky, those on board were instead treated to the absurd sight of the plane simply rolling off the deck to plunge into the ocean, complete with its pilot and onboard nuclear weapon. Whether it is used for drinking, gardening, or washing, water is the bedrock upon which all life rests. Nuclear bomb burned after B-47 aircraft accident. The town also received a $200,000 desalinization plant. Four of the B-52's seven crew members parachuted to safety while the remaining three were killed along with all four of the KC-135's crew. often to convey information to Q Anon believers. At the nuclear pit fabrication facility at, Soldiers suffered radiation poisoning and burns. France conducted 193 tests between 1966 and 1996. . Conspiracy theories like the Whidbey Island Missile work because the human brain is extremely susceptible to both confirmation bias and pareidolia, the phenomenon where we see patterns and shapes where none exist. However, to look at the picture and declare it has to be a missile because it looks like a missile is to ignore a great deal of other evidence that its not a missile. Howard, who stated that the Tybee Island bomb was a "complete weapon, a bomb with a nuclear capsule," and that it had represented one of only two weapons lost up to that time that was complete with a . Naval Air Station Whidbey Island was duly commissioned. Again, its possible, but the Navy doesnt test missiles in Puget Sound for a good reason, its a heavily populated area, and what goes up must come down. Nuclear materials were processed in reactors located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee and Hanford, Washington. The parachute allowed the bomb to hit the ground with little damage. The Mark 90 nuclear bomb, given the nickname "Betty", was a cold war nuclear depth charge, developed by the United States in 1952. Additionally, uranium, tritium and plutonium were scattered over a 2,000-foot radius in the vicinity, leading to serious health problems in those who engaged in recovery efforts. On December 2, 1942, the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was carried out under Fermi's supervision in Chicago Pile No. The Tsar Bomba, or RDS-220 hydrogen bomb, is the largest nuclear bomb in the world today. Beyond that, the time lapse picture of the object is the only proof of the missile launch. Nobody on the island reported hearing or seeing a missile launch, nor of seeing a launched missile destroyed. The explosion shook area residents and scattered nearly 100 pounds (45kg) of uranium (U-238) used in the weapon's tamper. The plane would go on to sink five kilometers (16,400 feet) into the ocean depths and would resist all efforts to locate it. The fact that I am having a meeting is a major loss for the U.S., say the haters & losers. The memo states: The search for this weapon was discontinued on 4-16-58 and the weapon is considered irretrievably lost. It is startling that not only can this happen, but that we can have so little of an idea of what the repercussions might even be. 46F. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Several anti-aircraft missiles have been tested in submarines, and none have entered wide use. The U.S. Navy conducted a three-month search involving 12,000 men and successfully recovered the fourth bomb. As its existence has become known to the general populace, there has been a great deal of outrage directed towards the military for losing the bomb in the first place, as well as its sudden decision to call off its search for it despite the potentially devastating consequences it could pose to the populace. Fallout Maps. "Nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site", "The Worst Nuclear Disasters - Photo Essays", "Dateline: Blast in '72 fueled fears about Nuclear Lake via Poughkeepsie", "NRC Releases Site in Pawling, NY for Unrestricted Use - 19 July 1994", "Report: Nuclear sub suffers accident off Oregon in 1973", "WHEN INCIDENTS ARE ACCIDENTS, The Silent Saga of the Nuclear Navy", "Hanford nuclear workers enter site of worst contamination accident", "Russian nuclear agency confirms role in rocket test explosion", "How Russia Is Tempting FateAnd the Next Chernobyl", "Russia Confirms Radioactive Materials Were Involved in Deadly Blast", "U.S.-based experts suspect Russia blast involved nuclear-powered missile", "Is Russia's Doomsday Missile Fake News?
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