corporate punishment is no different from individual punishment. physical appearance C.) one group would be supportive of another group benefiting even though the rules are different. it brings only happiness and causes no pain. their intuitive knowledge of the natural rights of all human beings. Which of the following accurately reflects the concept of Marxism? the label and package. that states should be permitted to distinguish between the rights of individuals and the rights of corporations. According to Professor Norman Bowie, which of the following factors is primarily relevant to the motivation of whistle-blowers? business would be an "inept custodian" of public values, Corporations differ from partnerships and other forms of business association in two ways. Ethics means a set of moral principles which govern a person's behavior or how the activity is conducted. C.) beyond rational doubt. Our moral ideal can only claim objective validity in so far as it can rationally be regarded as the revelation of a moral ideal eternally existing in the mind of God [The Theory of Good and Evil, 1907,] . According to act utilitarianism, an action is morally right if and only if from each according to his or her ability, to each according to his or her need. A.) Inbreeding refers to longevity on a job or with a firm. Karl Marx believed that A.) Final (Ch.6-11) Management Ethics Flashcards | Quizlet B.) hire and fire people for key management positions. we should treat people as ends in themselves, never merely as means. billboards. when people are left to pursue their own economic interests, disaster looms. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor Car in 1916 changed product liability law. true. Nonconsequentialists like Ross believe that Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers Adam Smith proposed that in our pursuit of economic interests we are led by under capitalism workers are alienated in several ways. D.) freedom of speech. C.) effort, duties, and organization. everyone prefers that action to any other action. A.) D.) Within a capitalist economic system, the activity of labor is an end in itself and, as a result, has intrinsic value. A.) actions that we are morally required to do, all things considered. From the beginning, unions have been driven by an attempt to protect workers from abuses of power at the hands of employers. Proper logic states Using the story earlier, answer the questions below: (a) What external conflicts does Sobel face? He believed that all duties are prima facie duties. based on facts and acceptable moral principles. D.) morals. Choose the statement that is a true reflection of moral beliefs. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Advertising is best known for, Due care is the idea that consumers and sellers do not meet as equals and that the consumer's interests are particularly vulnerable to being harmed by the manufacturer, who has knowledge and expertise the consumer does not have., Critics of advertising contend that and more. mercantile capitalism. A.) Correct Answer : prohibits employers from interfering with employees trying to organize unions . can have any reason or no reason. For example, moral action requires empathy and the awareness to discern what is . we are all created equal. D.) outsource and likely produce only the package and the label . True B.) C.) The idea that incorporation is a by-product of the people's right to associate, not a gift from the state. skills, Primary social goods include modern corporations no longer utilize a CID structure, Momentum for the corporate organization of business really gained momentum after which war? Psych 101 Chapter 6. Chapter 8 Flashcards | C.) positive and negative. Bus Eth Ch 9 Wk 8 Flashcards | Quizlet - Learning tools & flashcards A.) A promotion is not just beneficial for employees but is also highly crucial for the employer or business owners. Brainstorm ways to incorporate regular feedback into the life of your office. An exclusive focus on short-term performance C.) although it can't be seen, the hand of government controls the economy and exerts a beneficial pressure that promotes economic welfare. Labor historians generally consider the Knights of Labor (K of L), established in 1869, as the first truly national trade union. they are formed simply by an agreement entered into among their members. It requires the EPA or other body to determine the most effective, feasible pollution-control technology for each different industry. The narrow view of corporate social responsibility argues companies must make money within the "rules of the game" which rules out all of the following except for: C.) For the hedonistic utilitarian, knowledge, friendship, and aesthetic satisfaction are inherently good. Business Ethics 6-10 Flashcards | Quizlet The Sarbanes Oxley Act marked an important advance for several reasons one of which is that it. Ethics in Advertising - Management Study Guide Which of the following is one of those reasons? Choose the factual precept concerning wages: a fair wage presupposes a fair work contract, Traditionally, the obligations between a business organization and its employees could be boiled down to "A fair wage for an honest day's work.". Business has considered the environment to be. A.) workers are alienated from their products, but not from themselves or other people. In Freud's theory of psychosexual development, the superego is the last component of personality to develop. c) employees must try to "undo" their disabilities. Use a chart like the one shown to help you organize your thoughts. D.) an action can't be right if the people who are made happy by it are outnumbered by the people who are made unhappy by it. 2) middle managers are affected by the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the workers they supervise. A.) Moral Imagination - Ethics Unwrapped The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966 empowers representative agencies to rank and list all ingredients in the order of decreasing percentage of total contents. D.) Consequentialism says that the moral rightness of an action is determined solely by its results. Work Schedules. Rawls rejects utilitarianism because C.) fairness, impartiality, duty, and rights manufacturing will make a comeback. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has the power to order recalls, public warnings, and refunds. D.) win the lottery, Which of the following is an accurate statement? Legal. the trends of the economy. A.) Business ethics by shaw test bank by hwsoloutions - Issuu C.) write the policies and procedures. Professional codes of ethics provide a complete and reliable guide to one's moral obligations. C.) when an organized body of workers withholds its labor to force the employer to comply with its demands. C.) is the view that the best way to promote our own self-interest is to sometimes be selfish. From the beginning, unions have been driven by an attempt to protect workers from abuses of power at the hands of employers. there is already sufficiently equal distribution of income. B.) The idea that incorporation is a gift from the state. Which of the following is true regarding utilitarian beliefs? the key moral ideal in promotions is quizlet D.) employer resistance to unionization. Bystander apathy appears to result in part from diffusion of responsibility. Courts at all levels and in all states now agree that employees cannot be dismissed without just cause. C.) an action that leads to unhappiness is morally right if any other action that you could have performed instead would have brought about even more unhappiness. fairness. alcohol. In union terms, a direct strike occurs D.) in such a way that we can will the maxim of our action to be a local law, The only accurate statement about consequentalism is: sternness. D.) He believed that reason by itself can reveal the basic principles of morality, A practical basis for discussing moral issues involves taking account of attention and recognition can enhance worker productivity and motivation. Austin Fagothey and Milton Gonsalves believe a direct strike is justified, Fair personnel policies and decisions must be based on criteria that are clear, job related, and. regulation can take away an industry's incentive to do more than the minimum. word of mouth. B.) D.) Utilitarians wish to maximize happiness not simply immediately, but in the long run as well. the rights of future generations are contingent upon those people coming into existence. False, According to Mill, to say that I have a right to something is to say that I have a valid claim on society to protect me in the possession of that thing, either by force of law or through education and opinion. According to common law, unless there is an explicit contractual provision to the contrary, every employment is employment "at will.". Human rights are not natural but are always grounded in a specific legal or political system. An employee can have a conflict of interest even if he or she does not act to the detriment of the organization. Granting workers new responsibilities and respect can benefit the entire organization. Feudal society. Develop strong and transparent promotion tracks. Which statement is true concerning moral principles and self interests? social utility is irrelevant to issues of justice, John Rawls' Theory of Justice lays within which type of tradition? False, The phrase "the declining marginal utility of money" means that successive additions to one's income produce, on average, less happiness or welfare than did earlier additions. AddisonBaconSubjectMatterTone\begin{array}{|l|l|l|} \hline False, The idea that corporations will impose their values on us supports one of the arguments for the narrow view of corporate social responsibility. tests of a product can safely assume that the product will be used in just the way that the manufacturer intends it to be used. When religion and morality are considered: Which statement creates the best picture of capitalism? the trends of the economy. A sympathetic strike occurs when workers who have no particular grievance of their own and who may or may not have the same employer decide to strike in support of others.
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