A petty cash fund of $200 was established on April 1, 2016. The enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next. b. the bystander effect. This is not to suggest that actual older people are not competent, of course, but that they are not widely admired for their accumulated wisdom. Other Quizlet sets. Subtle biases (also called automatic or implicit biases) are unexamined and sometimes unconscious, but just as real in their consequences. (2010), since the Iraq war, Americans with a strong national identity expressed the most disdain for: People redirect their hostility when the cause of their frustration is intimidating or unknown. b. the foot-in-the-door-phenomenon. How is it that entire groups of people were left out of political participation, justice, and freedom? Indicators of aversive racism correlate with discriminatory behavior, despite being the ambiguous result of good intentions gone bad. Examined the impact of social roles and authority on behavior with his famous Stanford Prison experiment. The nonverbal mediation of self-fulfilling prophecies in interracial interaction. a. Chinese people tend to look pretty much alike. For example, when our awareness of our attitudes and of our actions clash, we can reduce the resulting dissonance by changing our attitudes, adjusting ones behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard, influence resulting from a persons desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval, influence resulting from ones willingness to accept others opinions about reality, stronger responses on simple or well-learned tasks in the presence of others, the tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable, the loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity, the enhancement of a groups prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group. Iceland, for example, guarantees legal equality between men and women. The scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another. In our soccer example, one set of children will focus on their own desire to play without really regarding the similar desire of the other class as equal and legitimate. (c) How does the optimal expenditure on the xxx good vary with ppp ? The phrase "not in my backyard," shortened to "NIMBY," seems to have appeared first in the mid-1970s. Chapter 12 Flashcards | Quizlet Discrimination is a behavior bias against a person (or group) based on stereotyped beliefs about that group. According to Lyons et al. 3. a special and definite purpose in a novel or other literary work. According to Milgram, the most fundamental lesson to be learned from his study of obedience is that. c. They have relatively low levels of serotonin and low levels of testosterone. One example of ratee bias is egocentric bias, which is best described as the tendency to: a. evaluate one; The tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others is: A) consistency. d. sensory cortex. Social Sciences. Unselfish regard for the welfare of others. They are motivated by . Social identity is a person's sense of who they are based on their group membership (s). Or even ageist people who feel fond of older adults but, at the same time, view them as incompetent to support themselves and worry about the burden they place on public welfare programs. What connection has been found in experiments exploring self-image and prejudice? Ingroup bias, or ingroup favoritism, is a bias in which people tend to favor people who exist in similar groups as them. However, imagine if every time you ate ice cream, you got a brain freeze. Just ask yourself if youve ever been asked, What are you? This question is frequently asked to people about their ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, religion, and other group affiliations. Could you feel that some associations are easier than others? 29 terms. Which of the following statements is likely to be true of Bill? "Them"those perceived as different or apart from our ingroup. She tends to overpraise his achievements in order to avoid appearing biased. c. social facilitation. a. Chinese people tend to look pretty much alike. tendency: 1 n an inclination to do something Synonyms: leaning , propensity Type of: inclination that toward which you are inclined to feel a liking n an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others "a tendency to be too strict" Synonyms: disposition , inclination Types: show 31 types. When it comes to relationships, it is valuable to remember that negative comments usually carry much more weight than positive ones. Solved QUESTION 23 The tendency to apply one's own cultural | Chegg.com This statement best reflects the: Victoria is a fifth grader in Carson Elementary School. How often do you hear people criticizing groups without knowing anything about them? An expectation that people will help those dependent upon them. Which branch of psychology is most connected with the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another, Attribution theory was designed to account for, Ksana insists that her boyfriends car accident resulted form his carelessness. To illustrate this pattern, we turn to two ideologies related to bias. Plan a vacation in Switzerland that centers around its natural landscape. C) selective perception. Consider the utility maximization problem, maxxa+ysubjecttopx+y=m\max x^a+y \quad \text { subject to } p x+y=m The girls are reacting to: Your new roommate is from Ireland. After Manny's father refused to let him use the family car on Friday night, Manny let all the air out of the tires. At the time it was written, however, women and minorities (especially enslaved people) were not included in this sentiment. For example, a person might not have ever been to a Hindu wedding, but their experience of weddings as a general category can help them know what to expect and how to behave. Tell your classmates what you will visit and what you will do and see there. This finding is consistent with the theory that some countries, like the U.S., emphasize an individualistic self-concept. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Social comparison and social identity: Some prospects for intergroup behaviour. 6. In fact, this finding generally holds regardless of whether ones group is measured according race, age, religion, nationality, and even temporary, insignificant memberships. C) more readily comply with a large request if they previously complied with a small request. p.)\left.p.\right)p.). They have relatively low levels of serotonin and high levels of testosterone. Intergroup relations. Psychology- CH. 11 intergroup relations Flashcards | Quizlet The tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition. Bodenhausen, G. V., & Peery, D. (2009). A) the tendency to favor members of one's own group. Psychology CH 16 Flashcards | Chegg.com 1. Despite its name, though, RWA is not necessarily limited to people on the right (conservatives). When people would like a certain idea or concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true. The tendency to favor one's own . (Mob Mentality), The enhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group. People who score high on SDO believe that some groups are inherently better than others, and because of this, there is no such thing as group equality. At the same time, though, SDO is not just about being personally dominant and controlling of others; SDO describes a preferred arrangement of groups with some on top (preferably onesown group) and some on the bottom. Employees were reimbursed when they presented petty cash vouchers to the petty cash custodian. And a stereotypical old person would be seen as high in warmth but lower in competence. Ethnocentrism is the term that denotes this kind of behavior. A change in behavior following a demand from an authority figure. Female 3: But you know your kid better than anybody else and if you think he's acting different than usual, Male 1: acting really down, crying all the time for no good . Here, it is because this outgroup member brings in values or beliefs that the person high in RWA disagrees with, thus threatening the collective values of his or her group. Question 1 2 out of 2 points A tendency to favor one's own group is called: Selected Answer: Response Feedback: ingroup bias. b. the just-world phenomenon. Three pathways by which self-concept can shape how we communicate are self-esteem, self-monitoring, and Multiple Choice self-serving bias. Shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation. What groups illustrate ambivalent biases, seemingly competent but cold, or warm but incompetent? c. The need to be accepted by others is a powerful motivating force. The larger issue, however, is that own-group preference often results in liking other groups less. Which of the following terms refers to the tendency to view members of The tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable. More recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, some people held hostile views of Asian-Americans, who they perceived as being associated with the coronavirus (Misra, Le, Goldmann & Yang, 2020). The tendency to see the beliefs values and customs of - Course Hero Dovidio, J. F., & Gaertner, S. L. (2010). We commonly say that we should not label others but we cannot help but do so. His reaction most clearly illustrates one of the dynamics involved in, An expectation that people will help those who depend on them is known as the, Two conflicting groups who share the same negative views of one another demonstrate. Chapter 13 Psychology Flashcards | Quizlet The theory that we act to reduce the discomfort (dissonance) we feel when two of our thoughts (cognition) are inconsistent. D) experience increasing attraction to novel stimuli that become more familiar. (Ask a partner what he or she orders in a restaurant in the following situations.). exclusivity. This is best illustrated in studies of, Prejudice is most likely to develop as a way of justifying, Most children believe their school is better than the other schools in town. HLT. It generally involves stereotyped beliefs, negative feelings, and a predisposition to discriminatory action. This best illustrates, Social loafing referes to the tendency for people to, Exert less effort when they pool their efforts toward a common goal. An increase in ________ has been followed by more positive attitudes between South African Whites and Blacks. According to these jurors, this case is best explained in terms of the: The tendency to favor one's own group, the group with whom we share a common identity, is called: Kelly is a Republican and Carlos is a Democrat. Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. With this preferential perspective for ones own group, people are not punishing the other one so much as neglecting it in favor of their own. An example of the fundamental attribution error is illustrated in our tendency to underestimate the extent to which others' behavior is influenced by: Politicians who publicly oppose a tax increase that they privately favor best illustrate that, That actions may sometimes be inconsistent with attitudes, The impact of our actions on our attitudes is best illustrated by, The set of prescribed behaviors associated with a particular social position is best described as, Philip Zimbardo devised a simulated prison and randomly assigned college students to serve as prisoners or guards. A loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The tendency to favor one's own cultural group over other groups is known as ., The underlying reason why stereotype threat can undermine the performance of members of a group with respect to some ability is that the experience of stereotype threat fosters ., In individualistic cultures, what is NOT one of the four beliefs . These four kinds of stereotypes and their associated emotional prejudices (see Figure 2) occur all over the world and apply to each societys own groups. Social identity theory (Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, & Flament, 1971) describes this tendency to favor one's own in-group over another's outgroup. Module 43 Questions Flashcards | Quizlet For example, if two classes of children want to play on the same soccer field, the classes will come to dislike each other not because of any real, objectionable traits about the other group. Such a question would be preposterous if you were only surrounded by members of your own group. By understanding this natural human tendency, you can focus on finding ways to cut other people a break and to stop expecting the worst. They have relatively high levels of serotonin and low levels of testosterone. The theory that we explain someone's behavior by crediting either the situation (external) or the person's disposition (internal). Aggression b. there is no physiological basis for aggression in humans. The girls' belief best illustrates: Daniel does not get the desired salary hike during his annual appraisal. This episode provides an example of, A business leader who welcomes a variety of opinions from subordinates and invites experts' critiques of her company's developing plans is most likely to inhibit. Narcissism is the tendency to view one's own culture or group as As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. They are excited on the morning of the competition because they both believe that their team is going to win since they are the better team. A belief that leads to its own fulfillment. Unfortunately, problems can also arise from our tendency to categorize. d. Catharsis. c. frontal lobes D) the enhancement of a group's prevailing attitudes through group discussion. CHAPTER 12: CULTURE Multiple Choice 1. Instead, it measures how quickly people make judgments about the goodness or badness of various groups. Raised in a society that places a premium on individual achievement and uniqueness, Americans seem to develop a tendency to focus on the characteristics of the individual in making attributions. The tenency to favor our own group: Term. Alex is likely to conform to their opinion if, He feels insecure in his role as a new member of the team, After hearing respected medical authorities lecture about the value of regular exercise, Raul, who has rarely exercised, begins to jog regularly. The finding that the greater the number of people who witness an emergency, the less likely any one of them is to help, the tendency for individuals to increase their liking for something they have worked hard to attain, apprehension about confirming negative stereotypes related to one's own group, the tendency to draw a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic. And whether you recognize this favoritism as wrong, this trade-off is relatively automatic (unintended,immediate, and irresistible). This best illustrates. Similarly, Ecuador guarantees the fundamental right to sexual orientation and gender identity. An aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beginning of a love relationship. Yosef, who is of Jewish origin, joins her unit as a trainee. QUESTION 23 The tendency to apply one's own cultural values in judging the behavior and beliefs of people raised in other cultures is known as cultural relativism cultural universalism ethnocentrism egocentrism QUESTION 24 Foraging societies practice what . Also called the cross-race effect and the own-race bias: just-world phenomenon Dispositional (Internal) Attribution Theory. a. amygdala C) a perceived incompatibility of actions or goals. By contrast, those high in RWA may equally dislike the outgroup member moving into the neighborhood but for different reasons. Prejudice, Discrimination, and Stereotyping, Greenwald, Banaji, Rudman, Farnham, Nosek, & Mellott, 2002, Greenwald, Poehlman, Uhlmann, & Banaji, 2009, https://onlinepsych.pepperdine.edu/blog/prejudice-discrimination-coping-skills/, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. We identify o we compare ingroup bias o tendency to. Tendency to favor one's own ethnic group over other ethnic groups. Comparisons of identical and fraternal twins highlight the impact of ________ on aggression. a. B) self-serving bias. Nosotros _____ (ir) a la playa. Exam 1 Dr. People are generally faster at pairing their own group with good categories. What causes a gain or loss on the sale of a bond investment? living in a nice neighborhood denotes ones place in the social hierarchya place reserved for ones in-group members). -cies. Sherif planned a disruption of the water supply in a Boy Scout camp in order to observe how social relationships are influenced by, Pablo and Sabina argued bitterly about which of them should have use of the family car that night. Beth believes that all sorority members are unintelligent and self-centered. An allocator divides a large sum of money among three groups of around 20 recipients each and also to themselves. Next, categorization can also lead to prejudice. does not simply mean taking pride in one's group; it also involves asserting the group's superiority over other groups. Rumination: Problem Solving Gone Wrong | Psychology Today c. blood alcohol. Researchers suggested three possible reasons that why watching TV is negatively linked to children's achievement. Not all stereotypes of outgroups are all bad. Female 2: I can be hard to figure out Male 2: and I like my privacy. 2. an inclination, bent, or predisposition to something. People are often biased against others outside of their own social group, showing prejudice (emotional bias), stereotypes (cognitive bias), and discrimination (behavioral bias). A simple way to understand these mixed feelings, across a variety of groups, results from the Stereotype Content Model shows that social groups are viewed according to their perceived warmth and competence. This sends subtle cues to the applicant that she is not being taken seriously, is not a good fit for the job, or is not likely to get hired. What Is Confirmation Bias? | Psychology Today People naturally create mental categories. The frustration-aggression principle most clearly applies to individuals with higher-than-average levels of: . Devine and her colleagues (2005) note that automatic prejudices subside when ________. Black people tend to dress pretty much alike. e. Essentialism. For example, someone high in SDO would likely be upset if someone from an outgroup moved into her neighborhood. frustration-aggression principle., The tendency to favor one's own group, the group with whom we share a common identity, is called: a. a social trap. In-group favoritism - Wikipedia Sadly, this can result in consequential discrimination, such as allocating fewer resources to disliked outgroups (Rudman & Ashmore, 2009). Compared with nonplayers, people with extensive exposure to violent video gaming display ________ desensitization to violence, and they are ________ likely to help an injured victim. Another case in which people judge other members of the ingroup very negatively occurs when a member of one's own group behaves in a . It turns out, however, that peoples reaction time on the IAT predicts actual feelings about out-group members, decisions about them, and behavior towardthem, especially nonverbal behavior (Greenwald, Poehlman, Uhlmann, & Banaji, 2009). Verbal behavior intended to hurt another person is an example of: Pablo and Sabina's failure to resolve their argument for their mutual benefit illustrates a failure to develop. Social Psychology Flashcards | Quizlet Highly dominating, highly authoritarian personalities. "teachers" actually seemed to enjoy shocking the "learners.". Also called the cross- race effect and the own- race bias. PPP and ( 1 at p)p)p). Only when research participants were informed that a woman was raped did they perceive the woman's behavior as inviting rape. Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) is sometimes called the ________ gene. a. desensitizing them to violent acts. The test itself is rather simple (and you can experience it yourselfhere). This experiment was designed to study the factors that contribute to, The affectionate attachment that keeps a relationship going after passionate feelings cool is known as, Natasha and Dimitri have a fulfilling marital relationship because they readily confide their deepest hopes and fears to each other. Discrimination and the implicit association test. First, people are interested in understanding the intentions of others. He is disheartened and feels frustrated but is unable to question his manager. Membership. Weddings are generally happy occasions (it is more appropriate to say congratulations than I am so sorry), they are formal affairs (people typically dress up), and they usually include food (you dont need to stop and eat before attending the wedding). One explanation is that historical biases were widespread and institutionalized. This shows that: The "we" aspect of our self-concept is what social psychologists call: people's motivation to avoid prejudice is internal. One aggression-replacement program has brought down re-arrest rates of juvenile offenders by: the tendency to favor our own group. They are Canadian, or fans of Manchester United, or are doctors. Chapter 7 Flashcards | Chegg.com the tendency to favor one's own group quizlet. This belief best illustrates: While visiting the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after World War II, one German civilian is said to have remarked, "What terrible criminals these prisoners must have been to receive such treatment." jamie watson voice actor; is matt manning related to peyton manning; men's patchwork jeans; Published by on 17. Social facilitation refers to the tendency to, Perform well learned tasks more effectively in the presence of others, Expert pool players were observed to make 71 percent of their shots when alone. Group-serving bias is the tendency to make more favorable attributions about our ingroups than our outgroups. Psychology. For example, if you were asked to categorize ice cream as good or bad, you might quickly categorize it as good. Like stereotypes, prejudice is a bias against people based on their group membership. Being audience-centered means a speaker must sacrifice what she or he really believes to get a favorable response from . It was considered acceptable to openly disparage entire groups of people and to pass laws that restricted or harmed these groups. We naturally categorize people by age, language, occupation, ethnicity, income, and many other qualities. Conserves physiological arousal and excitement. Two months before the 2018 midterms, President Trump had a 40% job approval rating. tendency. Influence (conforming) resulting from one's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality. a. the bystander effect. What The Peter Principle: What It Is and How to Overcome It - Investopedia If people hold a negative view of Margaret because they hold negative views about older adults in general, this is prejudice. Do you know more people from different kinds of social groups than your parents did? Meta-analysis of predictive validity. A tendency to favor one's own group is called: been more racially prejudiced than others. . c. more; more Tendency - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com Psychological impact of anti-Asian stigma due to COVID-19 pandemic: A call for research, practice, and policy responses. NIMBY | Meaning, Examples, & Facts | Britannica There are also lots of stereotypes regarding each race. d. vivid cases. Solved The tendency to favor an idea, person, or thing over - Chegg An understood rule for accepted and expected behavior. Social identity theory (Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, & Flament, 1971) describes this tendency to favor ones own in-group over anothers outgroup. social class, family, football team etc.) Which of the following is true of violent male criminals? Impact. a. human aggression is an unlearned instinct. Also called the cross-race effct and the own-race . Refusing to hire qualified job applicants because of the color of their skin is to engage in: Nestor belongs to the cross-country ski club at his college but is not a member of the downhill ski club. We might feel affinity toward people from our home town, a connection with those who attend our university, or commiserate with the experience of people who share our gender identity, religion, or ethnicity.
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