He is also the one who collects clients for the market and is the one who eliminates catastrophe or difficulties in our lives. Iyami, also called Awon Agbalagba, or Iyami Osoronga, or Eleye (owner of the birds), is the Great Feminine Power who has been associated to Witchcraft and female witches (Aje) and male witches (Oso) who bestow all the good and the evil in the earth controlling the equilibrium of things in earth and having power upon the humans: they need to be . v) Irosun Meji: Irosun Meji occupies the fifth position within the order of Odu Ifa in Yorubaland. But not only that, Chief Alj has helped me to deepen my practice in profound ways. 2022 IF Psychology RC: 1699103. West Africa. The process of NON-INITIATE SHOULD NOT INDULGE. No matter how smart you think you are, you cant outshine your master OR Whether you Run fast, Walk fast, or fly fast, the counsel of Or must stand! When they were nicknamed, ungrateful people This is the. Ogbe Ose Ose Ogbe Ogbe Ofun Ofun Ogbe From this point book three is all the verses with Oyeku minus Ogbe Oyeku and Oyeku Ogbe because those two chapters appear in book two. Dont wait until when you fall sick, become broke, or depressed before you start to look within because you might not have the patience to endure by then. Lora DiCarlo . He teaches in a way that is easy to understand and he knows and respects all branches of Yoruba* tradition. Honoring Ifa and Orisa with obi, song, and dance. Visualize the relentless flow of cars, buses, bikes and pedestrians, moving in all directions. Os If is fundamental Yorb spiritual conditioning. A seal is anything irreversible such as birth. 1. The sacred oral scriptures of Odu If corpus are structured into a total of 256 signs. Learn Ifa advices women that are pregnant or that are planning to become pregnant to look take care of themselves and their pregnancy. divination From the content analysis of the unwritten but well documented epistemological declaration of Orunmila in Odu Ifa Ose Meji; along with oriki, written history and other trajectories, this paper interrogates the stereotype of political violence and free for all that is often attributed to Ibadan, Nigeria. I've always been a spiritually engaged person, however since being introduced to Ifa*, I have found the foundation my spirit has been seeking. Ifa said that she will have her own husband , that he will be someone of very good character from among the diviners, that she is the one he will marry, but she must make sacrifice. If divination allows the information of Odu If to be revealed during the There is one ese ifa (verse) in oshe odi that talks about an ebo you have offered Ifa but was not properly received by Ifa. Each odu has a name and a symbol associated with it. Translation A spiritual consultation session occurs in two parts: Part I:The first part is a spiritual consultation (reading) with TheIfa* Oracle namernml* regarding the most pertinent information necessary for one to achieve spiritual balance and harmony, which provides an optimal opportunity for success. Be careful not to become intimate with others that may already be intimately involved with someone else. from Il Ife Oketase to the world. SEX IS A RITUAL UNTO OR. Please choose whether you wish to allow the following: Copyright 2023 Il Awo, todos los derechos reservados. Today is Ose (Ifa worship day). interpretation is the process of consulting with If and the oral scriptures using 14-day expiration. Orisa worship is connecting to the spiritual energy of a particular aspect of nature. responsibility of documenting the sacred ese in an effort to conserve the Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Our ancestors want to see us thriving successfully and want to support us. Ifa advices ebo (sacrifice) to be offered to avoid being a victim or being harmed by dangerous substances such as poison, acid, corrosive chemicals etc. Page created by Ifby akd. system known by many for its reliability. Ti won joye alaimoore divination sessions to the person or community seeking advice and guidance. The opele nuts when cut in half create a concave and convex side. Aboru aboye! Typically OS&E are products that do not need to be installed. This 25-page handbook is designed for devotees who have Hand of Ifa and/or full Ifa Initiation. In the Afro-Cuban practice of If it is known as Elegua, although its correct name in Yoruba is Elegbara. A description To elaborate further, the seventeenth minor odu ifa sign is a combination of the first major odu Ejiogbe and the second major odu Oyekun which results in the minor odu Ejiogbe Oyekun. in Culture Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Ifa hears our prayers and gives us messages on those days as well so that even on a weekly basis we remain on track and know what to work on. In this way, Os If encourages the devotee to continually align herself with the will of . Samuel Singletary August 28, 2017 at 4:41 pm. the intentions of betrayal. life for yourself and those around you a more positive experience. Os If increases mental, emotional, and spiritual capacity. Its also important to note that spiritual energy within water and fire and wind are not separate from yourself; you have these energies within you and can call on that at any given time. They may act like friends but in actuality are traitors. They must be generous to everybody. The literary corpus or oral scriptures Esu Ogo is also used to acquire luck and also health. importance of making sacrifice to maintain a positive position. side, this signifies the odu is one of the 240 minor odu. These blessings have been extended not only to me, but also to my family. ii) Oyeku Meji: It is references to the idea that death represents any end of a cycle for example the end of poverty, the end of ill health, the end of confusion, and the end of loneliness. Do not let that bring you down or make you feel bad. Steer clear of temptations between you and the wife or husband of someone you know. Utilizing all the information revealed by rnml in the spiritual consultation, Chief Alj will perform an Ebo(Spiritual Resolution), calling upon the spiritual power of rnml, to dissolve the negative aspects revealed in the consultation and praying for the positive aspects to be fortified and dominant in one's life. Consult an experienced and honest Babalawo to help you understand what applies and if any prescriptions are necessary to address any potential issues. These combinations of odu ifa signs created " Honor goes forth from the house and honor returns to the house. Think of it this way, if FF&E includes the loose products that a guest or member of staff interacts with, then OS&E are the pieces that they need to operate within the space. In other words, a combination of the 16 principle odu (1616) or 16 squared will result in the 256 Odus of Ifa. Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar tu experiencia de usuario y ofrecerte un mejor servicio. xv) Ose Meji: Ose Meji says there is a woman that is looking for to have children but she has been unsuccessful up till this point. system of divination conceptualized many centuries ago by the Yoruba people of I am forever grateful and humbled to share any knowledge gained while on my journey. Thank you, Baba*, for being a radiant light and opening yourself up to show us how to set ourselves FREE and live in true abundance! Ifa also advices you to offer ebo to protect against others plotting against you. These spiritual consultations give us a forecast for 4-6 weeks and at the close of that time frame we receive another consultation and prayer (Ifa Dida and Ebo) so that we are always adjusting and recalibrating so that we stay on our path, as life is not linear things are always changing. She has authored transformational books on ifa and ori. Osa Ure habla que Dios favorece a aquellos que hablan la verdad. It provides guidance on how to manifest the good and how to keep negative disruptive forces known as Ajogun away. Properly appeasing Esu and having trust in his Stay blessed IFA Members Upcoming Events Annual Report Sustainability . information for future generations. Please listen to this from Irosun Awoye(Irosun Iwori) She had been disrespected and, neglected in her previous relationships. When This was the teaching of Ifa for Iyamooke, the mother who knows how to nurture. Ifa said, by being generous to people, the enemies will harm themselves. The Os, sex tech startup Lora DiCarlo 's first device, is on display in Las Vegas this week for CES 2020. Esu Iya is the one who fights against our enemies. I give thanks to Oldmar *, the Almighty Creator, for allowing me to wake well today. Many people who are planning traveling abroad will be successful in . Take note of the 16 major odu ifa or 16 meyi Other materials such as Obi abata (four-lobed Obi Kola), salt, pepper, Emu (Palm Wine) can also be used among other ingredients. The word Ifa refers to the mystical figure Ifa or Orunmila, regarded by the Yoruba as the deity of wisdom and intellectual development. 256 odu Ifa refers to the complete collection of the Ifa corpus. Baba Ojo Ose ni nse ejigbaraleke lode Ofa, Ojo Ose paapaa ni nse Oloworan oba aso ti ntanna yanran yanran yanran, Ojo Ose's mother is it that procures aje(money) in the sea, Ojo Ose's father is it that procures the beautiful beads in the town of Ofa, Ojo Ose, herself procures the beautiful and shinning royal clothes, The new money has taken so long to arrive. Other oral traditions may suggest the 16 major odu were left behind by Orunmila to continue helping guide humanity in a positive direction. The Odu Ifa that came out for this year is OSE-OKANRAN (OSE on the right, OKANRAN on the left). Ose odi odu ifa says your father / mother put a lot of effort into making sure you are / were able to get a proper start in life. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Website creado por. Prayer : Ose muluku oyo taba lowe muluku loda fun Akata Po to lori iyu mana. Ifa The verses of odu OSE -OKANRAN recited with their narratives are below: 1.Ifa said this is a year of blessings. Akose Ifa. And utter faliure ensued , by doing so. of documentation. the right column and first row then continues to the left column first row. This information has been gathered by Ifa priests for centuries through divination, real life situations and experiences. Categories of Ose Ose Ifa is divided into three categories: Orun Ifa, Isan Ifa, and Itadogun Ifa. Ifa divination is a system that aids in This occurs up through ifa odu sign #31. In addition to servicing two cities,Ile Ogundase travels to major cities throughout the United States providing education and healing to people within the community. 2nd Oyekun, 3rd Iwori, 4th Odi, 5th The babalawo must know which type of Elegbara will be most beneficial to the person. I've been a practitioner for almost 20 years, and in that time, I've received invaluable benefits to my personal life, my family, and my career path. This is apparent because both the Metu Neter and Ifa Oracles are directed at achieving Righteous Living and Divine Purpose through how one approaches the problems of everyday life. Please subscribe to be notified when new odu is published. Ifa Divination IV (Odus) Meji Group (1-16) This deck presents the first 16 Odus of the Sacred Oracles of Ifa called the Meji group.Meji means 'twice, double'. scenarios they may currently be in. Do not be paranoid about these types of situations. vii) Obara Meji: Obara is the Odu that incarnates humility in the struggle with arrogance. Darya Aminia- 9. In the "Tratado Enciclopedico de Ifa" refers this odu: The oracle of the coconut (obi) and its five powers. Ase Thanks! Finfin ni tigba(Name of the diviner) Osun is the spirit that protects the head (ori). Ose Meji says this person must make a sacrifice. Ose Ifa is like Thanksgiving. Offer ebo to Ifa and let Ifa handle the things for which we do not have control over. After meeting Baba* Skou Alj, I found something that was already deep within and he has been a great help in bringing that to the forefront of my life. However, they need our support as well. From the very first conversation, I just knew that feeling that I was feeling from a child was actually the voice and comfort of Ifa*. Song and video dedicated to Ifa day. We will talk more about ese or verses within the odu later in this article. Additionally we appease Ifa Orunmila every 4 days on our prayer day which we refer to as Ose Ifa. Always make sure you have integrity, be honest with yourself and others, maintain good character. Ifa* has truly enhanced my life in more ways than I could ever imagine. $44.44. are many verses or ese within each Odu. There (male, female, in together in twoness). Through proper interpretation of Odu If, questions with unknown outcomes can be answered. The meaning of the 16 Odu Ifa of the Ifa is based on 16 symbolic or allegorical parables contained in the 16 Core Chapters or Principles that form the basis of the If, a system of divination of the Yoruba people of Nigeria. The great one, Ifa, I have come to give my thanks. Chief Alajes family legacy is dedicated to the preservation of African Spirituality. Your path will take you towards a hierarchical position in your life that will allow you to become a leader. Much like Ancient Kemets Metu Neter Oracle, The Ifa Oracle is a guide for Righteous Living. ability to defend the person this Odu was marked for is advised. (right side) Oyekun (left side) or Ogbe Oyeku One of the 240 minor odu. Ase Thanks! Odu If is the blueprint of life used to guide humanity towards the manifestation of their destiny in a positive way. An experienced Babalawo or Iyanifa will help to reveal during an Ifa divination session what exactly you will need to offer Ifa and the proper process to do so. In any case, the 16 principle odu represent the first 16 major odu signs that create the foundational structure of the literary corpus for the Ifa religion. This system is the channel that with individuals surrounding them. Top. Elegbara's initiation is no exception. What is Ose Ifa? Esu Apede is the one who helps in the divination and the works that the priest performs. Comments Off on Ose Ifa is one of the most important days in Orisa worship! Whatsapp: +2348024904361. A Babalawo (father of the secrets) is a male person who has been initiated to Ifa. I continue to be blessed with all of the good things in life, and I take pleasure in watching this tradition fix my life, my family's life, and the lives of the community. There may be people that dont support you or dont have faith in you. Right column second row then left The teachings shared during Os If sharpen the mind and soften the heart. Oni nijo Ose This is the day when the awo divine for the entire, It is not the practice to paint dry palm fronds with camwood, These were Ifa's messages for Oosanla Oseremagbo, Obatala was in need of a wife who would assist him in his mission on Earth. These form the basis of traditional Yoruba spiritual knowledge and are the foundationof all Yoruba divination systems. Ira ni tagbe They only sent her the animals that they had sacrificed to cook after offering them. Shortly after beginning spiritual work with him, I was offered a great job which has been extremely fulfilling. advice and messages that is to be interpreted by the Babalawo or Iyanifa during But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Babalawos or Iyanifas use either the divining chain known as Opele, or the sacred palm or kola nuts called Ikin, on the wooden divination tray called Opon If.. If is practiced throughout the Americas, West . Another reason could be the ebo not properly prescribed and or offered. Ifa Books. Vertical lines are used to express the The Merindinlogun is the primary Oracle used by the Orisha. It is the Orisa who has the facility to disturb a person without his knowing it and the one who has thousands of medicines to grant his wishes to the person who performs the sacrifice. IFA says, evil does not pay, but doing good and thinking well and speaking out good words attract enormous blessings from OLODUMARE. On the other hand, this Odu also advises If the Babalawo chooses to divine with ikin ifa (sacred palm nuts),the way the odu is typically revealed in the iyerosun powder during divination is presented in the form of the vertical line symbols as seen in the previous image with the first 4 major odu expressed in vertical lines above. Before they started their journey from the Heavens to Earth, they . WHEN IF TELLS YOU TO FEED OR, WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Immediately from its inception Chief Alaje and his members began serving and healing the community of Atlanta by holding weekly classes, hosting spiritual and cultural events, feeding the homeless and taking people back to Africa to reclaim their roots. Rate this book. Ways you can connect and pay homage include simply spending time in nature and meditating and also praying to these energies. "Akose is a form of prayer that is said when the necessary materials or their prepared outcome are available on site. Babalawo or Iyanifa for many reasons. The Left Leg is Female, Spiritual, and Emotional! Many times, the Mind and Body are being well developed and nurtured. Ifa explains everything. Chief Alj is an initiated priest in several systems including Ifa, Osun,Ayan and Aa. This workshop provides the viewer a practical and hands on educational experience. It is at first difficult for westerners to count the It is the most complex and accurate divination His Apetebi, Iyalode Osunsina Ifatooke Alaje is a Senior Osun Priest, initiated and trained in Osogbo as well. Ifa says you will be blessed with honor and respect. Ifa also advices men that are planning and trying to have children to take care of their reproductive organs. Ifa advices you to offer ebo, pray and ask ifa for help with things for which you have no control. We must remember that in Traditional Yoruba practice the person interested in initiation must acquire knowledge before initiating. Ifa* has given me new appreciation of family, of life, of love, and of the potential that we possess in us. An important concept of Ifa and Orisa practice is the cycle of worship days. For those who are struggling to find abundance cleaning away the negative effects of arrogance is the first step towards accessing your ability to create abundance. Ifa said all Ifa and Orisa priests and priestesses should be nice and generous in their various communities. In contrast to other forms of divination in the region . Ose Ifa is a 10,060 year plus old traditional practice of the Yoruba that continues on today. Let all those in the world gather to help me, through my difficulties, to defeat my enemies. One such traditional divination system is the Yoruba method of Ifa divination, known as Dafa.. An Ifa reading (also called Ifa consultation or Ifa divination) allows you to access hidden knowledge about your life.Being able to trust the inherent 'knowing' that we all . xvi) Ofun Meji: Ofun Meji occupies the sixteenth position within the order of Odu Ifa in Yorubaland, West Africa. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. But, I knew it was always there. Furthermore, it allows us the opportunity to know how we can live and maintain a positive life for all. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This continues throughout the rest of the 16 major odu Ifa. It can also be described as the combinations of materials used to manipulate a situation. When we decided to come to Earth we told the creator all that we were going to achieve and accomplish during our time here. Categories of Ose Ose Ifa is divided into three categories: Orun Ifa, Isan Ifa, and Itadogun Ifa. xiv) Irete Meji: Under this odu, Orunmila speaks of possible initiation into IFA to guarantee long life and good health. use of 0s and 1s. of the ifa Yoruba religion. and the Earth. These weekly prayers and paying homage in this way also builds the rapport and relationship with the . No matter how smart you think you are, you can't outshine your master "OR" Whether you Run fast, Walk fast, or fly fast, the counsel of Or must stand! This course is a comprehensive training that will cover many foundational priesthood requirements. 16 Principle Odu Ifa The pillars of Ifa Corpus. The Yoruba calendar ( Kjd) is a calendar used by the Yoruba people of southwestern and north central Nigeria and southern Benin. Where is August 2017 list? Finfin ni tigba Thank you and God bless. ; The Right Leg is Male, Linear, and Temporal. She started to tread the ifa/r path since year 2010, but became fully initiated in year 2012 and started her trainings as a spiritual counselor and educator since year 2017. Ifa says there's too many scammers among religious leaders, royalty, and politicians. Ifa advices to propitiate your Ori. | 530.316.1150 | ObafemiO@orisalifestyle.com | ObafemiO.com. (shelved 5 times as ifa) avg rating 3.88 204 ratings published 1993. People consult Ifa for divine intervention and spiritual guidance. These cookies do not store any personal information. Ose Ifa is one of the most important days in Orisa worship! In this way both the Metu Neter Oracle and Ifa Oracle provide a means by which individuals can interpret and respond to reality in a way that is meaningful to them and which also places them in alignment with their Divine Destiny and Spiritual growth since the days of antiquity in Africa. The eighteenth minor odu ifa sign is a combination of the first major odu Ejiogbe and third major odu Iwori which results in the minor odu Ejiogbe Iwori. We had three groups of participants: participants who received 8 ounces of a caffeinated beverage, Ramn is curious about his dad's childhood and asks him various questions. in the following table. We must remember that in the practice of Traditional If there is no syncretization, so in Nigeria it is not known as the Santo Nio de Atocha, or any other name of any saint of the Catholic religion. Mental health, financial stability, clarity of my destiny and life purpose are just a few milestones Ifa* has lead me to achieve. Story on OSE- OTURA: Long ago, when the Earth was still very young, Olodumare sent 17 chosen Irunmole to Earth. The Supporter is the Father of all Odu. The previously mentioned 16 principle or major odu ifa are considered the pillars of the Ifa corpus. Each of the 256 odus of ifa contain ese This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This structure symbolizes one Odu. They are what holds the solutions and answers to issues Chief Alj is the founder of Ifa Temple The Ogundse and the Osun Temple Ile Osunfikayo. Have faith and lean on Ifa whenever you experience moments in your life that make you feel like you dont have anyone in your life to lean on. His mother is Woroko and lives behind him. Please do you have the Ose days of August 1980 ? Have confidence in yourself. My path is clearer, my wisdom is deeper and my heart is purer and all because I'm living in truth. #NigeriaElections2023: Presidential Election results in Each state 2023 Registered, Accredited, Total Valid & Total rejected Votes, Check out Top 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos), 5 of 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos), 4 of 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos), 3 of 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos), 2 of 5 most beautiful Palaces in Nigeria (Photos), Doing the right thing wrongly Pedagogy of the Opperesed Seun kuti #2023presidentialelections, Why Eko Atlantic City in Lagos is still Empty, I Am Moving Back To Nigeria Heres the TRUTH NO ONE TOLD ME. This is the day to divine for, : 9th Day worship, usually observed in the temple with fellow awo. I cannot recommend him highly enough! Rest assure you will be able to accomplish the positive goals you set in your life. African Christian churches African Independent Churches. as Odu Aqu OBATALA cambi el Oro por la Plata. xi) Ika Meji: This speaks of running away from evil thoughts, evil actions and evil utterances. Learn how to connect with and propitiate your Ifa. Thank you, Baba*. The dominate sign in the divination of the coconut is Eyeife ( Speaks the warriors-elegba, oggun, osun, and oshsoi) Vanity priest. of If This ebo is an effort to keep both the child and mother healthy before and after the pregnancy. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Ifa, please endow me with money for Ose When I came to Chief Alj, I was unemployed and at a low point in my life journey. I will be honest, I didnt know right away how strong it was. A Babalawo or Iyanifa will have the If or the Ifa corpus. and initiates alike may use this as a study guide on. between Ifa and Olodumare. Orun: 5th worship, usually observed at home.This is the day to divine for yourself and family. It is important to understand that while Orisa and Ifa work together for our greatest good they are two separate practices and entities. When speaking about these forces of nature recognizing and paying homage to them opens the floor for them to communicate with you and build a relationship with you. Looking for online definition of OSE or what OSE stands for? In this odu, ifa mentions you will have good prosperity in your life. verses for each of the 256 odu. interpretation will follow: Ogbe di kakaOgbe di kunkunOgbe di ganmun ganmunKi irun imun re o mon ba yo sileA difa fun Esu OdaraIgba ti nlo re de igbere lodoA difa fun gbogbo okanle irunmoleNijo ti won n lo ree ji ejaEsu Odara koEbo ni won ni ko seO gbebeo nibe o ruboNke mo moyin oEyin aseniEmi moyinEyin odale. Although, you can find literary works and websites like this one containing an abundance of information about If. Suppose we used a between subjects design to see if caffeine influenced levels of alertness. Benque Viejo, Belize. Learn step-by-step procedures, Ifa chants, prayer postures, offerings, worship schedule and preparation steps for mastering Os. He was instructed to open, kola nuts and pray for Ojose regularly. the If Each odu contains information associated with the good and the bad. As previously mentioned there are many Happy Ose Ifa to all Ifa devotees globally. the divinatory process. It is through the Ifa divination processes that the odu currently shaping our lives is revealed to us. other Yoruba religion rituals. OSE IFA: sabido por todos, que no momento de nosssa iniciaao em ifa, apurado um Odu, e logo, esse Odu possui um grande nmero de Eses que se refletem diretamente em nosso destino, de maneira positiva e negativa. Ose Odi odu ifa mentions the following to the recipient of this odu. During pre-colonial times , the average person in the Americas might have been healthier and better fed than his/her European counterparts due to which of the following factors ? The awo told him that if Ojose was, treated with respect and honor, she would be ideal. In the many aphorisms of Ifa we find the symbolic language spiritual communication. Think of a major intersection you know. By the irunmole ( cosmic divine primordial forces) . The Ifa divination system, which makes use of an extensive corpus of texts and mathematical formulas, is practiced among Yoruba communities and by the African diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean. Like the crossroads, the union of man and woman produces exponential growth with infinite potential. There could be various reasons for this. This ire will come from a place away from your home.
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