But then again considering how people are able to solo Maddening, that can't possibly be the case. This provides Edelgard with 85%. It depends on whether you prefer double darks or +10 heals. Unfortunately, you can't really have a unit perform well as both a rally unit and a mage. Late: Healing, Magic Tank, Damage- I only wish she had Mire like Hubert! Edit: no, it's from rally str. Lastly, with examples to look at including stats, skills, and battalions, it can serve as a reference for those interested in specific examples of stats at the end game. Season 28 Theme: Altar of Rites. Doesn't sound like you were having a difficult time of things anyway. Dorothea was without question my greatest asset from beginning up to the time skip. Abuse Enemy Priests' Abilities Enemy Priests will come with the Renewal ability on them. Late: Damage, Dodge Tank Funny. Must I be in Black Eagles to take the Church route. Best class option for Annette is dark knight as it gives her the most movement for dance gambit/rallies while still providing some magic utility. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. DLC use was odd. All this information is made easily visible if you take a snapshot of your character's information screen in battle from either the Inventory page or Battalion page. Research, browse, save, and share from 66 SL-Class models in Berkeley, IL. Men principal. Realistically, War Master Felix can't be used to draw out enemy attacks until lategame. Edit: Would like to add that for the first path I would recommend staying a mage until she gets Lightning Axe as otherwise she'll be 100% relegated to support on Maddening. I can add them later on if desired but they are still on theSwitch. Lance Prowess Lv5, Lancefaire, Death Blow, Aegis, Swordbreaker, Final Lv 36: Highest Stats Strength 33, Cha 35, Primary Items: Gradivus, Spear of Assal, Silver Lance+, Battalion: Black Eagle Calvary +7PAtk, +20Hit, +5Avo, +5Prt, +10Cha. Screenshots might include images of enemies or story-related classes. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The riding classes help maintain his overall stats but the Thief / Swordmaster / Assassin classes are good to develop his speed which I think is more important for Maddening. +10-20 hit/crit/mt etc. Lance Prowess Lv5, Lancefaire, Death Blow, Darting Blow, Swordbreaker, Final Lv 34: Highest Stats Str 37, Spd 31, Primary Items: Silver Lance+, Brave Lance, Scythe of Sacriel, Lampos Shield, Battalion: Gloucester Knights +6PAtk, +6MAtk, +15Hit, +5Prt, +5Rsl, +7Cha. I didn't do anything particularly interesting with her but was grateful for a solid powerhouse for Paladinsand Fortress Knights. However, he gains Darting Blow through his Hidden Talent and managed to double a fair number of enemies such as Paladins at end game. Yes, I only play maddening. Tanks were very important and anyone capable of one rounding an enemy was vital. Best class option for Annette is dark knight as it gives her the most movement for dance gambit/rallies while still providing some magic utility. Class Progression: Fighter > Archer > Cavalier > Sniper > Bow Knight But as other mages get more utility with their spell lists, Annette's value plummets. This can serve as a good reference for people who want examples to look at whether they are attempting Maddening for the first time or want something to compare their own builds to. End: Damage. Following is the (hopefully) growing list of builds that people have kindly shared. I'll admit I feel like it's a bit of a shame you caved into the DLC items just at the end like that (as selfish that is of me to say, apologies) but I get it, not judging. Note there would also be minor differences in other stats, but they aren't really significant. If youre like me, sometimes a player wants to try something different or just something they enjoy and just wants to know that it wont be such a bad idea that itll make a run impossible. Class Progression: Cavalier > Archer > Sniper > Bow Knight On lower difficulties, Wyvern Lord and Bow Knight are probably the two best classes for him, but on Maddening the extra power from WarMaster/Grapper/Sniper can be nice to have. Those look like the generally recommended builds for most characters and sounds like it served you well. Press J to jump to the feed. Wouldn't this hurt her ability to become a good brigand? On a related note, Grappler is often regarded as better than War Master for people like Dedue and Raphael for the CA as well. There's a 4.5 point difference in speed between these two builds, and that's before we even consider that Wyvern Lord gets a +4 speed class bonus, while Cavalier actually gets -1 speed as a class trait. She does her job super well. Not sure if others would consider this worthwhile, but here's an example of the rally+dance combo I mentioned before. Joshua Moore Early: Damage- I also use Annette as my main mage which I think should be standard but I read a lot of people make her a dancer? Also, the builds posts themselves may contain spoilers in the text depending on what the poster wrote. Depends on what you want out of her, Annette's quite flexible. Byleth (evade tank): Myrmidon > Mercenary + Thief > Assassin + Enlightened One. For Ashe is a little more work but oh God it was worth it for him I made him a Sniper but the order that I followed was (Fighter, Brigand, Archer, Sniper) Brigand is important as it helps giving Ashe the strength that normally he would not have. You know, I thought NG+ games would have so many possibilities that it might end up being too much. Though I had it from the beginning, I refused to use the special grinding battle. Even in a Wyvern class, she isn't going to be a front line fighter. I've seen people swear by how awesome she is as a Wyvern Rider/Lord and how she can OHKO using LIghtning Axe. Dedue is slow and magically-vulnerable, a bad combo in late AM. There's no question about it. Frankly I think if a character is that strong early on but suddenly becomes poor towards the end it would be poor design from the developers. A list of best classes for each character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. He healed, he did his job. Crusher was good when she wanted to double up close, or use Dust, and Bolt Axe was great for the range. Bylethis almost always a good unit and going up the line to Falcon Knight seemed like a good fit for her. She has a really rough beginning but she ends up being an absolute beast by the end. Sniper's probably best for Maddening, but I have the most fun with Wyvern Lord Ashe. Thank you for any comments! I have rough memories of each stage of the game and will be going over what each unit was used for andwhen they had that role. Good speed and dex means he gets powerful double hits, and his crest triggers quite frequently. Early: Damage/Healing With Mastermind as a passive, it wasn't too difficult getting the Riding requirement in addition to the S+ Reason rank. And if you plan to split time between classes in a tier, you can split the levels accordingly. I originally played the game in this order Crimson Flower -> Azure Moon ->Cindered Shadows -> Verdant Wind on Hard/Classicbefore tackling Crimson Flower here on Maddening. I looked at what's expected for her in this build and I got average in most stats with 14 extra points of Mag. Do you think Dark Knight would be better for the orange-haired girl? Which class should Annette be In a golden deer maddening run? I didn't tried to made him the bow archer as then I lose some skills from Sniper and personally I never had Ashe going on his own so that I needed extra movement. Golden Deer / Verdant Wind Example Builds: Black Eagles / Crimson Flower Example Builds: Black Eagles / Silver Snow Example Builds: My personal reasons for starting this list: As Im playing my first Maddening NG game, I found myself wondering how my progress is going compared to others. Pretty much every other character in the game who is intended to be a mage can check at least one of these boxes. This is a great idea, however my non-NG+ Maddening run was a 100 hours ago, so I would have no way to salvage my unit stats and information. ) Stealth also lets him take really aggressive positions to take out back line threats and/or siege weapons/tomes. Ah, another good point to keep in mind. Pretty basic Battalion Vantage + Wrath for Dimitri. End: Damage Lysithea -https://i.imgur.com/rvPLFhP.jpg, Class Progression: Mage >Mercenary(mastery skill) > Warlock> Gremory Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She was great and I don't think much more could be said about her usefulness. Healing:Can heal people. Firstly Im in no way a veteran of this game or franchise. Going to be using the format Graveless did since it's easy to read and goes through everything. Often, the optimal builds advice comes off to someone like me as "if you do anything else you're not gonna make it". Hes also a monster with a bow and tends to ORKO enemies using an Iron Bow+. Their strengths and weaknesses play out their role in the game, and you could unintentionally build the standard for your characters. Depends on what house. "Our one dramatist of the younger school who can lay claim to any measure of inspirationforgive me, Jermyn, but I love to quote the Daily Mailis studying in these romantic surroundings the woman who is the chief interpreter of his genius. I wish I could have 9 more of her on my team! Tank:split into physical, magical, dodge, and vantage. Bow knight isn't that great on maddening except for Leonie and Cyril while the OP combat art is irreplaceable. Grappler/Sniper have guaranteed follow-up arts, and War Master can potentially get him Quick Riposte; with QR, he can equip Aegis Shield+Killer Axe and go to town. Are tournament prizes a once/month thing? 56 is that tremendously difficult and long fantasie for piano and orchestra, written for Annette Essipoff, and played here by Julia Riv-King. How did she even manage to not get 1-shot? Clear editor. Or are you talking about optimization for each specific character? Early: - Damage I believe her relic is Azure Moon locked. Surprised you made both Dimitri and Felix into Snipers/Bow Knights. Bernadetta (dedicated bow user): Archer > Sniper. Rally Speed and Strength is not a trivial combination, I'd say it's OP even. Besides Ingrid, all of these seem suboptimal. Mid: Damage I think the best option for her is Assassin, but anything you choose will have heavy weapon proficiency requirements. He had solid Resistance as well, so he was used on occasion to tank a magic attack. He never fell off at doing this, keeping up even at the very end. That said, from my own play through, I'm aware that they are both very strong with a bow. Each character can have several important roles. Late: Dodge Tank/Crowd Control Feature two pages of exercises for each lesson in the student book, grammar charts and an answer key, practice reading and interpreting real-life documents. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Let me tell you about this boy. The vantage tank period of her life was also pretty short-lived, only a few chapters. On my current run I went mage -> wyvern rider -> wyvern lord along with training authority so she can rally and use good battalions (she had cichols wyverns by part 2). With his higher speed, Axebreaker, buffed defense from the shield, and occasional Aegis/Pavise, Felix ends up tanky enough to draw out a couple of attacks per enemy phase. Annette: Wyvern Lord. Damn I really like that idea now but have already been investing in Riding to make her a Dark Knight for canto + Black Tomefaire. In the final map, Byleth, Ingrid, and Dimitri did almost everything because they were the only ones who could and Byleth beat the final boss almost entirely by herself. Class Progression: Fighter>Brigand>Archer>Sniper By the end, she was capable of soloing entire sections of a map with Retribution and nearly solo'd the final boss because only one person could be carrying theRafail Gem.Dimitri -https://i.imgur.com/mqa2OT2.jpg. Ashe also isn't a terrible pick for Dancer, as he's around for Chapter 13. 13. Early: Physical Tank Early: Damage I raised her sword rank to give her an additional one shot option and picked up Vantage because it allowed her to have a relevant enemy phase for quite some time. This is a harder question to answer. I know I fed some of the mag boosters to her, but most of my gardening was spent patching up Byleth, Catherine, and Ingrid's Strength. Feels like an important note if anyone wanted to use it as a guide. Im hoping that team example builds can facilitate these kinds of discussions while serving as practical examples. In the end, I focused on trying to ensure he had just enoughStr to ORKO with Brave Sword. Feel free to comment on whether any aspects made certain problematic battles easier in some way.
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